Diet is of paramount importance during the milking period, and even later. The nutritional status of the mother may affect the outcome of pregnancy. The fetus receives its nutritional and nutritional needs from the mother. If the diet is insufficient to meet the nutritional requirements, the fetus receives its own nutrition at the expense of the mother's tissues.
Loss of pregnancy if the mother is found to be deficient in food: Premature birth of an underweight baby or physical and mental impairment can occur in the baby. The diet of the mother also determines whether To what extent is nutritional ability safe, as it also affects the child's physical development, the natural ability to protect against illness, and the growth of the mind.
Therefore, a proper diet should be taken during pregnancy. Even before pregnancy, a woman should eat well. She should abstain from the use of diet, 'alcohol', cigarettes and tobacco. Items are described that are needed during pregnancy.
Women need an extra 60,000 calories throughout pregnancy, of which approximately 36,000 calories are stored in the mother's milk and used during breastfeeding after childbirth.
On average, a pregnant woman needs an extra 300 calories a day. This needs to be done either by increasing the serving of cereals pulses (ie, a bowl of more cereals per serving), or by consuming extra food once a day. Can be
Protein: During pregnancy, fetal tissues are needed for the construction of tissues and breast tissue, and it requires an extra 15gm of protein and an additional 3g during pregnancy and lactation.
To meet this requirement, women should eat an extra glass of protein - an extra bowl of lentils (if veggie terrain) or an egg or an ounce (30 grams) of meat daily.
As the need for calories increases, the demand for essential fatty acids' linoleic acid also increases. Therefore, the amount of fat intake during pregnancy should increase from 20 to 30 grams daily and 45 grams per day during lactation.
This addition does not require you to eat a lot of indigestion, fried foods, nuts, etc. Excessive demand can be met by eating veggie table isles or fish because they contain unsaturated and essential fatty foods. Acids are found.
Vitamins in Pregnancy
During pregnancy, most of the B group vitamins, especially folic acid 'vitamin A', are also needed in excess. For a pregnant woman, generally balanced dietary intake of vitamin D and C. Provides additional need 'But folic acid vitamin tablets (tablets) should also be taken during pregnancy to prevent the usual case against anemia and the fetus.
In order to meet the need for vitamin C, women should eat a bitter fruit daily (and non-monsoon) daily. Excessive vitamin A can cause fetal malformations. Should not be taken. Pregnant women should eat lots of vegetables, especially leafy vegetables such as spinach and fenugreek so that other vitamins may be needed.
Essential minerals in Pregnancy
The need for minerals increases as new tissues is being constructed in both the mother and the fetus. Iron demand for pregnant women is very high. It is difficult to fulfill this requirement, especially with veggies. ) Women need. She can use iron tablets (180 mg ferrous sulfate).
If their iron needs are not met then they may suffer from anemia which has a profound effect on pregnancy.
During pregnancy, calcium intake increases by 1 gram per day, which can be met by two glasses of milk (400-500 ml) or dairy products (yogurt, cheese, etc.). Iodine is required for thyroid hormone production. Iodine deficiency is an important problem in some parts of our country.
All women should use iodized salt
If plenty of balanced diets are used, then other minerals such as zinc phosphate 'magnesium' selenium and copper need buckets easily. Some women may need a zinc supplement.
Indispensable water
Pregnant women should drink at least 6 glasses of water daily and even more in hot and humid climates.
It is a misconception that drinking water can lead to weight gain. For successful maternity and proper breastfeeding, a diet (diet) is required to meet the nutritional needs of the mother and the birth of a healthy baby. Also, the lack of nutrition can cause problems for both the mother and the baby. Shortly, an extra glass of breast milk, an 'excess' of milk, an extra serving of lentils, is essential for the pregnant woman. Extra servings of fruity fruits and green leafy vegetables and fruits should be used to meet her needs during pregnancy.
Items that should be avoided in Pregnancy
The use of alcohol during pregnancy increases the following risk.
Loss of pregnancy
Fetal death in uterus
Mental and physical problems
Developmental defects in the baby
Alcohol syndrome in the fetus
Women planning to become mothers should avoid alcohol during pregnancy and breastfeeding for fetal improvement.
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I have a whole new perspective on pregnancy and motherhood now that I'm experiencing it. Just because it's so hard and so confusing and so exciting. Women are so amazing that their bodies can do this and that they're strong enough to do this. I can't believe almost every woman goes through this, because it's so hard.
The United States has made remarkable progress in reducing both teen pregnancy and racial and ethnic differences, but the reality is, too many American teens are still having babies.